No need for surgery, Botox, expensive creams or laser interventions.
A new revolutionary total face, skin and hair formula! And totally all natural!
Do you have lines and wrinkles, crows feet and creepiness?
Sagging skin from aging or weight loss?
Are you losing your thick lustrous hair ? Nails breaking or won’t grow?
Suffer from age spots or redness?
Skin dry looking ? Acne? Uneven skin tone?
Elite Weight Loss announces our new Astonished! and is available at
With our new Astonished! Your friends will swear you’ve had a face-lift!
You no longer have to look in the mirror and see that tired reflection.
Stop buying those expensive creams to slather on that can only go so deep and can only be absorbed so much. Build your skin from within. Replace lost collagen and restore skin cells with this new formula and our exclusive blend of ingredients.
Why does this work? Let us explain. Your hair, nails and skin all work very similar….but…..
Your skin is made up of About 5 layers. Aging is visible on the outermost layer. What you and everyone else sees. That layer is made up of overlaying skin cells that look like blocks. Those blocks started at the lower level and as they matured they were pushed up to the top.
The reason they don’t slough off is because they are held together by that looks like a layer of cement, or ceramides. So the cells and cement provide you with a protective barrier to germs and toxins and locks in moisture, (which is why slathering on those creams only works so deep!)
So… every 39 days your skin sloughs off, hair follicles are lost, and the outer layer of your skin is replaced by the deeper layer. But studies show once you reach the age of 50, it takes twice as long to replace your outer skin layer, hair and nails.
So what this means for you, is now your having a harder time retaining moisture, dryness occurs and line and wrinkles set in. Hair becomes dry, nails are brittle. Add oxidative stress and sun, and it’s a non stop battle. Even if you’re young, the environment and sun can wreck your skin.
Any sane person at this point thinks they need to run out and buy a moisturizer and expensive hair care products. WRONG!
With Astonished! We will treat from within and create hydrated skin and hair and nails.
While store-bought moisturizers can help, somewhat, the real trick into fully moisturizing your skin is to do it from the inside out, that way all five layers of your skin benefit from the moisture and then it is locked in; that is where the ceramides come into play. The ceramides plus of the other high-end ingredients in this formula Astonished! are literally the kryptonite against father time.
With this formula, it will become is very difficult for wrinkles, lines, and crow’s feet to become etched in your skin while your hair and nails are rejuvenated from the inside out.
Bottom line: Astonished!
Will ……Plump your skin, moisturize from the inside out, reduce lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, crepiness, sagging and bags, spots, redness, acne. Decrease hair loss and nail breakage while promoting regrowth. Restore youthful texture and fight free radicals.Increase hair fullness,luster. See radiant hydrated skin, improve elasticity. And all all natural!
**In clinical trials, the active ingredient in Astonished! was used at 80mg for 4 weeks. 92% saw improvements. It will take 4 weeks to see major results since that’s about the amount of time your skin layer takes to move upward from the bottom. After the researchers 2nd study, using people with bad dry skin, hair, nails, they used a 200mg capsule instead. The results?
10/10 people saw results and better ones. This new formula will contain 350mg of the active ingredient with a high end blend for hair and nails as well so you will reap the benefits faster and absorb more for allover body improvements.
ASTONISHED! Is Made with strict laboratory guidelines, made in the USA, with high quality ingredients. Stability,potency, quality ingredients. And you won’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a fancy cream or a facelift!
Be Astonished! today! An Elite Weight loss Exclusive formula.
100% Exclusive formula blend.
Astonished! by any other name is not the same!
DIRECTIONS: USE ONE PER DAY MINIMUM. One bottle may last 2 months when taken accordingly.
Astonished INGREDIENTS: Proprietary blend of Phytoceramides, Viamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Biotin, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Goji Berry
Get Astonished today with free shipping at www.eliteweightloss.com
Astonished is owned by Elite Weight Loss supplements
Contact Detail:
Company Name: Elite Weight Loss
Contact Person: Elite Weight Loss
Email: contact@eliteweightloss.com
Phone No: 1-844-427-6553
Country: United States
Website Url: https://www.eliteweightloss.com
Source: www.PRExhibition.com